Here are some techniques for brainstorming better ideas for any use case. It applies in business, startups, and tech, as well as in everyday life!

Methods that you can follow:
- Set constraints on your specific problem or thinking subject. Remember the last time you had to fix something and had only a few tools around? How creative were you using them in a way that can achieve a goal? If we increase the options you have, you will find it more challenging to come up with interesting ideas.
- Use the five whys method. Ask 5 Why to a specific problem; it will get you to the root cause of a problem. This method explores the cause-and-effect relationships underlying a particular situation. Check the infographic above to understand better how it works.

- Write down all your ideas, even the “bad” ones. Most of the time, a good idea is distilled over lengthy work on a specific subject. The brightest ideas in the world were a work in progress and not an “Aha” moment.
- Talk to others about a subject. Discussing brings other angles and opinions on a specific matter, which will help you rethink the approach and give birth to new ideas.
- Search for pain points. Make notes of the problems you see and annoy you every day. Do not apply selective blindness to problems, but force your subconscious to work on these problems. This is an excellent point for the tech world to create automation ideas, but it applies everywhere.
- Make a short break from the problem. When you feel exhausted on a subject, go for a walk, exercise, listen music or relax for a few hours. You often get a solution and many ideas when your brain mechanisms relax.
- Invest time in the subject. Research and gain deep knowledge of the specific matter. It will help your prefrontal cortex to form better ideas and work on its background.
Feel free to add more techniques below that you find helpful based on your expertise. The above are some techniques I use professionally and personally.
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